Attention Families!
James Rhoads has a school uniform, and all students are expected to wear uniforms every day. The uniform, consisting of plain blue or yellow tops and blue, black, or khaki pants, is a reflection of our school’s standards and expectations. Students must wear closed-toed shoes, no crocs or flip-flops.
Breakfast is served in the cafeteria every morning from 7:45 to 8:10. Students enter through the door on 50th Street. We encourage students to start the day off with breakfast! School starts at 8:10 for students.
We look forward to working with you during the school year to ensure the success of all James Rhoads students. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Megan Wapner
Principal James Rhoads Elementary School
***James Rhoads Sweatsuits, T-Shirts and Polo shirts are available for purchase in the main office. ( $10 polo shirts, $5 t-shirts, $25 full sweatsuits and $15 sweatshirt or Sweat Pants separates)
We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the main office at 215-400-7680.
Megan Wapner Principal
Fatima Welcome Assistant Principal
Frequently Asked Questions
● School Starts at 8:10 AM. Dismissal is at 2:54 PM
● Breakfast for K-8 is served in the cafeteria daily from 7:45-8:05
● Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades students will arrive and dismiss from Cafeteria yellow door on 50th Street
● 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades arrive and dismiss from the schoolyard
● James Rhoads will be cell phone-free! School number: 215-400-7680
● School Uniform: Blue or Yellow Shirts, Blue or Khaki Pants. NO crocs, or open-toed shoes
● Parents/Guardians must bring current photo ID to pick up their child for early dismissal
● Please send your child with a water bottle each day
Important Contact Information
Megan Wapner: Principal;
Fatima Welcome: Assistant Principal;
Francis Askew: School Counselor;
Rhonda Boyd: Behavioral Health Counselor;
Kenyatta Brown: School Counselor;
Dr. Thomas Papi: School Counselor;
Lamond Muhammad: Climate Manager;
Our Vision
The James Rhoads Vision is to provide a world-class learning environment where children become lifelong learners to positively impact not only their future, but also the future of their families and community.
Our Mission
It is our mission as the staff of James Rhoads to provide a highly effective educational program that informs, inspires, liberates and empowers students to seize academic, emotional and social success.
Provide effective instruction that is standards driven, differentiated and rigourous and provided by highly qualified and dedicated teachers.